Need a Mental Health Boost?
Unsure where to channel your creativity?
Do you believe in a myth that you have no creativity?
Want to add more spark to your life?
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How Creativity Improves
Mental Health
For many, the end of January may be fraught, filled with moods and declining mental health. The days remain dark. Resolutions have failed. And as a bonus, this year, we’re ushering in a new regime, triggering half the country.
How do we handle it? There’s always alcohol and cupcakes, but I’ll share an experience that might help you consider a healthier choice.
This time, six years ago, my youngest daughter spent the second half of her high school senior year as an exchange student in New Zealand. My husband and I were excited for her but letting go was hard. She was our baby, after all.
After dropping her at LAX, I embraced the empty nest by renting a funky Airbnb in Southern California. We planned to see friends, eat well, and walk the beach.
Didn’t happen.
Instead, grief tsunamied me to the funky velvet couch, and I didn’t see much of Venice Beach. Depression knocked me flat for weeks. It wasn’t until my bestie artsy friend introduced me to mixed-media art that my mental health improved.
I spent weekends playing with paints and paper. Brushes, glitter, and glue covered our kitchen table. It helped. Art pulled me out of depression, launched a second career, and has continued to bring me great joy.
As a writer, I’ve long understood that creativity helps improve mental health. Playing with art triggers different parts of the brain. For me, when writing isn’t doing it, art usually does.
I’ve listed a few ways creativity improves mental health and why cultivating an art practice is essential. Remember: among other creative pursuits, art includes music, writing, gardening, and creating mishmash in the kitchen.
Flow: When you engage in a creative process, you often enter a flow state where you become fully absorbed and lose track of time. This meditative-like state promotes a sense of calm, well-being, and mindfulness.
Problem Solve: Thinking outside the box and being creative helps you discover new solutions. Creative expression offers a different outlet for communicating.
Joy: Creativity brings joy and increases a positive emotional state.
Self-Discovery: Exploring your creativity can lead to self-discovery and a better understanding of your thoughts, feelings, and values. This self-awareness improves mental health by fostering a stronger sense of identity.
Eliminate Stress: Immerse yourself in a creative process; it helps shift your focus away from stressors and allows your mind to relax.
Social Connection: Participating in creative activities provides connection, a sense of belonging, and needed support.
If you need help, hire me as a creative coach to boost your mental health. Email me for more information: It may help you get off a funky velvet couch.
Check out all the options on my website and contact me if you’re interested in coaching or a private art, writing, or journaling workshop.
“Change how you see and see how you change.”
“Making art is like giving a gift: evidence of your spirit and that you are here.”
“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way – things I had no words for.”
“Art washes from the soul the dust of everyday life.”